Saturday, November 5, 2011

We're Baaaack!!

Well after nearly a year gone, I am back. I decided to start fresh over with a new blog since things in my life are starting over in a sense. This past year has brought so much change to my life. Some good, some not. Some of these things are: A move to a new place, a divorce, a new job, holiday's and birthday's, and even a trip to the temple, plus so much more!! Talon and I are doing so great now and we are constantly having fun and enjoying life.
If you are reading this and you have a blog, I would love to follow yours so please include your blog address so I can add you to my list. As you can probably tell this blog is still in the process of construction. Also, if you have a private blog and I was on your list before, or even if I wasn't, please add new email is .
Thanks!! And stay tuned for so much more.


  1. Oh, this made me miss you guys so much! We still miss little Talon and wish we could see him more! Looks like you are doing good :) Our blog is If you don't mind, I would like to add you to my list. Give Talon a big hug for me!!

  2. Hey stranger! I'm so happy you have a new blog! I think about you guys a lot and am really happy you guys are doing so well. Talon is so cute and big now! I'll definitely add your new address to my blog. Ours is

  3. It's fun to see new pictures!! I have got to get back to blogging! Too much happens, so fast, that it's terrible not to write about it. :) I sure miss you two. I am so happy though, that you are happy! Give that cute boy some kisses from us! Love you!

  4. so sad to hear about the bad, but so excited for the good. Hope you are doing so well!!

  5. Hey beautiful friend! I love the blond:) I can't believe all that has gone on and that we have been so out of touch. I love you, always will. We are going to get together soon! Some how our busy schedules will work out! Stay strong princess:) Call me!

  6. I'm so glad your back! Talon gets handsomer and handsomer in every picture I see! I hope you are doing well. :)
